TOPIC:SEMU A few programs have been released that run with SEMU. They are: SCALC.ZIP -sheldow's scientific calculator SMIDI.ZIP -sheldow's midi/rmi player CDPLR.ZIP -sheldow's cd player EDIT.ZIP -sheldow's text/xtb editor(semu built in) With SEMU, you don't need SHELDOW'S, so the programs can be ran almost. as if they were in SHELDOW'S. SEMU can be ran under DOS, WINDOWS or SHELDOWS. SEMU is not a program, but a specific loader for the SHELDOW'S program. SEMU is not designed for all programs, due to incompatability with OS. SEMU, in some cases, might be built into the program To run SEMU, the program of concern must have [program].COM -SEMU loader designed for [program].exe [program].EXE -SHELDOW'S program winrun.sys -run time library window.dat -optional config file wincon.dat -optional config file